Saturday, 28 January 2012

Week 4 rigging

1 of the problems that I have with rigging is the finger bones. The hands of the models were not faced down and the fingers are slightly curved. Due to these reasons I had problems with the fingers. When I had to Joint Orient the fingers, the axis are pointing all over the place. This made the finger curl look like worms rather than fingers.

The 2nd problem is the arms and shoulders. The shoulder joint is actually very flexible as it allows 360 degree of rotation. However, the skin around the shoulder gets twisted badly if I try to move the arms around too much. I try to resolve this by using the shoulder control but there is a limit to this. I feel that I should have done the shoulder control better as to prevent problems like this.

The next problem is the spine. I do not think that I have arrange the spine bones properly for the spine control. Since there was only 1 spine control, I should not have made the spine so curved.

The final problem that I had is the distribution of the weight of the skin. The problems I had on the skin was the breast area, elbow area and knee area.

The problems I had with the breasts was to retain its shape as the spine bends. I did this by giving complete control of the breast area to the 3rd spine bone while the 4th spine bone was only given control on the area slightly above the breasts.

For the elbows and knees, I had to make them bend realistically. I group the area at the elbow to the lower arm while the area at the knee is with the calf. I had to study how the muscles move in order to make the skin on the model bend as accurately as possible.

I successful did the ball lift and toe lift and used them in my poses. However, I feel that I could improve on areas like the weight distributions on the skin and rigging the shoulder control better. I should also improve the elbow control since I have problems with the pole vector of the elbow.

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