Friday 13 January 2012

Cow Modeling Part 1


Initial Model
The model to the right is the initial model. Its head is too big, the arms are too long, the legs are too thin and the body is not fat. The hands are also too big and the model lacks a lot of detail. 

The pictures below show the finished model's front & back. The adjustments to the model includes making the head smaller, shortening the arms and thickening the legs, making the hands look more realistic and making the body look fat. Detail have been added to the arms, legs and hands to make it look better.
Finished Model Front
Finished Model Back
Initial Head

The initial has a long snout and the back of the head it too round and long. The ears are too small for the head.

For the final model, I reduced the head size and also reduced the snout's length, making it shorter. By having a flatter snout, I wanted to make the cow look cuter. I increased the cow's ears to increase its presence and make it more noticeable. I have also decreased the size of the lower lip so that the snout will be bigger than the lower lip. I did this to give it a friendly look because of the smaller mouth.
Final Head Side
Final Head Front

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